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Tag Recognition

tags api AI
2 Available languages

Revision 1

2 years 8 months ago
Compatible with the latest version of Piwigo
Пн 20 Декабрь 2021 2 years 9 months ago

Piwigo plugin to suggest tags on image (using external API).

Usage :
* Install the plugin on your Piwigo
* Create an Imagga Account on
* Enter your api token and api secret on the plugin configuration page
* Go to an image modification page and click on the little robot next to the tags input
* Generate tags, select the ones you want and apply them

Warning :
As this plugin use an external API, we cannot assure you that your data will not be used or sold. I recommend you to check the data policy of each external API you use with this plugin.

Revisions 6

Ревизия 1

Released on Сб 29 Январь 2022


Compatible with Piwigo 14, 13, 12

2 years 8 months Zacharieg 2 Available languages

I'm happy to introduce the version 1 of Tag Recognition !

The plugin now support Microsft Azure Computer Vision and have an AJAX loading on the batch manager action.

Feel free to ask other API's or request bug fix !

Ревизия 0.2

Released on Сб 8 Январь 2022


Ревизия 0.1b

Released on Вт 21 Декабрь 2021


Ревизия 0.1

Released on Пн 20 Декабрь 2021