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Piwigo - галерея для изображений в Интернете. Все программные элементы - с открытым кодом. Предназначено и для организаций, и для групп, и для отдельных лиц.

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версия 14.5.0 3 месяцев назад

Piwigo 15.0.0RC1, almost there 3 недель назад

Последняя активность 10 часов назад

Тысячам организаций всех форм собственности и милллионам индивидуальных пользователей нравится Piwigo

Почему выбирают Piwigo?

Верхний уровень

Piwigo шикарно подходит, когда речь заходит о классификации тысячи или даже сотен тысяч изображений.


Созданная в 2002 году, Piwigo поддерживается своими пользователями более 22 лет. Постоянное развитие, только вперед!

Открытый исходный код

Исходный код доступен для всех. Можно проверять и редактировать. Легко изменить результаты, применяя плагины и темы.

Прекрасные галереи, созданные с Piwigo

Winchester City Council
Province de Luxembourg
Metropolitan University BelGrade
Société des 3 vallées

Они любят Piwigo


Our Piwigo, Images du Revest, is an initiative of 2 associations dedicated to history, heritage and culture. It's a contributive inventory where geolocation, description and comments are as important as the image. Piwigo is a complete CMS that goes far beyond a simple online album: it's thanks to its collaborative mode that Piwigo made possible our beautiful exhibition and the writing of the associated book. Fine-tuned rights management makes behind-the-scenes work practical, efficient and discreet. Our Piwigo is the 4th component of our web communication, along with the Carnets, the forum and a curation tool. The images in the album can already be used on the forum, and soon in the Carnets, and the style of the different sites has been easily standardized, so that readers have the impression of staying in the land of knowledge, while moving from one site to another. We're enthusiasts, volunteers, passers-on of knowledge, and Piwigo is our tool and our vehicle for sharing knowledge about our village of Revest-les-Eaux.

Katryne, Images du Revest

Некоммерческие организации France

I am a photography enthusiast, sharing lots of free stock photos and photos from hiking trips in New Zealand. I have close to 3,500 images in my Piwigo photo gallery, and all is running very smooth. I discovered Piwigo in 2015. I needed to replace a discontinued photo gallery with something new and Piwigo ticked all the boxes for me. I never looked back - setup was fairly straightforward and maintenance is effortless. No fuss, things just work. And when something breaks (I had a broken version update once) then I received immediate help on community forums and the issue was resolved within a few hours. Frankly, that's faster than paid-for commercial support with most vendors I know of. One important factor why I picked Piwigo over other available options is the community spirit. I prefer supporting software that is available for everyone to use in any way they like. This is profoundly different from vendor lock-in and EULAs full of small print, that you find with proprietary products.

Tomas Sobek

Фотографы и частные лица New Zealand

I have been a long-time user. First installed Piwigo in 2013 and have been using it continuously since then. Flexible and reliable - never had any issues. No problems with software upgrades and even moving to a new server was easy. The IOS apps are a handy way to view photos.

Damian Kelly

Фотографы и частные лица Australia

Piwigo is easy to install and get to grips with. The plugins enable fine-tuning of the gallery with fairly advanced features, such as automatic classification of photos according to tags or user rights management. And of course, it's an open source solution... I'm so satisfied with Piwigo that I regularly suggest this solution to my customers to create their professional photo galleries or photo libraries!

Sophie Lépissier SoFlash Production

Фотографы и частные лица France

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